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Git commits style

  1. ADD: a list of new files — description of added functionality
    ADD: - add google auth
  2. UPDATE: list of changed files (most important) — list of changes
    UPDATE: — change google auth to discord, delete get_ip method
  3. DELETE: list of deleted files (most important) — reason
    DELETE: — it's deprecated logic
  4. FIX: bug name — describe reason
    FIX: discord auth cycle — invalid token
  5. RELEASE: version — most changes
    RELEASE: v0.1.2 — add (discord, google auth), improve load perfomance


  1. 1 action = 1 commit
  2. More commits are better than none
  3. Commit must not include many changes
  4. Good commit name helps avoid confusion

You can find more about the style of commits in my repos